Retooling to Save on Business Travel In the New Normal

written by Daniel Nikulin April 17, 2020

Of all the companies currently suffering financially, small and medium-sized businesses are at the top of the list. Those that are able to weather this economic storm will no doubt be the ones that are able to reduce their costs by retooling. 

Upping your Zoom game might be a start, but the best deals will still be done in person, without a handshake, of course. Video conferencing should continue to host most meetings, but business travel will resume. When it does, every penny will count more than ever. Smart businesses are planning now, and that includes reevaluating their travel spend.

Time is money and it will be of the essence more than ever. Some analysts predict a strong eventual rebound keeping many companies busier than ever once the world reopens. As a business traveller, gone might be the days of even having enough time to source your own travel efficiently.

Besides, and contrary to popular belief, you don’t actually find the best flight deals yourself. To do that, smart SMEs choose a savvy management company like Flight Centre Business Travel.

Why you can’t afford not to use a business travel management company

Globally-connected and backed by Flight Centre Travel Group’s massive buying power, key relationships with the world’s top airlines allow FCBT to offer SMEs access to the best-negotiated airfares in all classes of service worldwide.

You may be flying in Premium Economy instead of Business Class for a while but know that you’re still doing better than those booking it alone.

climate, safety included. FCBT’s SmartCARE program offers insurance coverage over and beyond the typical risks, pandemics included.  

Another notable benefit during these uncertain times is FCBT’s no-contract policy with no minimum travel spend required. Looking for flexibility? You should be and here it is. 

You’re cost-conscious, lucky, willing and able to retool for whatever is coming your way. It’s time you partner with an expert travel management company heading in the same direction. Use this time wisely.

We’re open! Use this downtime to set up a free (virtual) consultation and let us help you retool your business.